ICIAAI conference is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in the area of Image, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence and the fundamental interaction between them. Authors are invited to submit regular research papers on all related areas. Papers exploring new directions or areas will receive a thorough and encouraging review. Areas of interest include, but not limited to :
Computer graphics
Computer-aided design
Computer vision
Pattern Recognition
Machine learning
Human-computer interaction
Biomedical image analysis
Remote sensing images
Computational photography
Optimization and Learning Methods
Sensing and display
Document image analysis
Character recognition
Visual models
Vision and language
3D reconstruction
Face recognition
Object recognition
Medical Imaging
High-performance computing
Signal processing
Information systems
Cloud computing
Data and computing security
Big data analysis
Computational theory
Computational intelligence
System algorithm analysis
Approximation algorithms
Quantum algorithms
Randomization algorithms
Algorithm analysis
Algorithmic graph theory and combinatorial
Computational geometry
Computational techniques and application
Artificial Intelligent
Computer software
Programming languages
Software engineering
Computer science applications
Artificial intelligence
Intelligent data analysis
Deep learning
Intelligent search
Data mining
Data access
Intelligent transportation
Information system security
Data compression
Mobile computing
Wireless sensor networks
Neural networks
Robot control
Signal detection and estimation
Biological information processing
Intelligent systems
Statistical learning